
The Highlands

High Altitude Adventures

The Andean Highlands (Sierra) is the most visited region in the country. Its cultural and natural diversity extends across rugged moorlands or páramo, cloud forests, mountain lakes, active volcanoes, extinct craters, indigenous markets, colonial towns, and historic haciendas that preserve history and tradition.

The array of national parks and reserves in this region offers limitless opportunities to connect with nature, escape the urban hustle, and immerse oneself in a countryside teeming with culture, vibrant colors, and flavors waiting to be discovered.


High Altitude Adventures

Quito and its surroundings

Quito, situated in the Middle of the World, boasts the best-preserved Historic Center in the Americas. It was the first city to be recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1978 and is only an hour and a half away from the Mindo Cloud Forest. This historical gem rests comfortably on the Avenue of the Volcanoes and is the gateway to the Andes and Amazon basin.


Cuenca is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site and ranks as the third-largest city in Ecuador. It has a rich history, initially settled by the Cañari indigenous community, later by the Incas and then the Spaniards. The city also showcases a notable French influence and is currently home to a thriving international expat community. Cuenca is strategically located near Ecuador’s most significant archaeological site, Ingapirca, and is renowned for its talented artisans and exquisite cuisine.

Nature and Adventure

Nothing defines Ecuador quite like its mountains and volcanoes. The magnificent Andes Mountain range inspires adventure enthusiasts seeking to hike, bike, climb, or explore on horseback, all in their quest to reach new heights. From colonial haciendas to volcanic hot springs, there is always something waiting to be uncovered. Prepare to be fascinated by the landscapes, rich cultural heritage, masterful artisans, and communities that will leave an enduring mark on your heart.

"Visiting Ecuador's Highland region offers a delightful immersion into the country's captivating historical tapestry. Here, the picturesque countryside, majestic mountains, and towering volcanoes weave seamlessly with a heartfelt celebration of cultural heritage."


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